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Starting with: 'C'
We deal with all conditions affecting the heart, including coronary artery disease (the cause of angina and heart attacks), heart valve disease, heart rhythm disturbances (arrhythmias), heart muscle problems (e.g. heart failure) and high blood pressure (hypertension).
Children’s community nursing
The Community Children’s Nurses are a team of experienced children’s nurses who provide care and support in the community setting for children with a nursing need.
Children’s continuing care
Children’s Continuing Care is a service provision for children and young people, up to 18 years, who require additional health support due to needs arising from disability, accident or illness that cannot be met by existing universal or specialist services alone.
Children’s outpatients
We have children’s outpatient clinics at the Lister, QEII and Hertford County for children referred by GPs or hospital doctors.
Children’s services (Paediatrics)
Children's services (Paediatrics) is the specialty of medicine that involves the care of infants, children and adolescents up to the age of 16 years. Our team offers a wide range of services
Children’s services (Paediatrics) information for GPs
This section includes information for GPs about our Children's services (Paediatrics) department.
Clinical photography
The Trust’s clinical photography and illustration team provide its clinical colleagues with specialised photographic and video services across the Trust’s four sites.
Community midwives
Our community midwifery teams offer a full range of antenatal services, parent education, birthing at home and postnatal care locally. We provide a flexible service which enables women to have more choice about where to access care.
Community paediatrics
Our team consists of specialist consultants, as well as an associate specialist, supported by specialist health visitors, children’s specialist nurses and psychologists. We work closely with or colleagues in acute paediatrics, speech and language, physiotherapy and occupational therapy.
Critical care
Critical care, also referred to as intensive care unit (ICU) at Lister Hospital is spread over three areas: Critical Care North, Critical Care Central and Critical Care South.