Department of Clinical Photography & Illustration (DCPI)
Our department provides a specialised photographic service to the patients and staff of East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust. The team consists of a manager, two qualified photographers, a trainee and an assistant.
Service times and location
Our main site is the Lister Hospital, where we offer a continuous, no appointment necessary outpatient service for clinical photography from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. Please note, we are closed on public holidays and bank holidays (including Christmas day, Boxing day, New Year’s day and Easter day). Whilst this is a walk-in service, we do advise patients to book an appointment with us by calling 01438 284019.
The DCPI is located on level 3 in the yellow zone, look for area 9 on the outpatient corridor and you will see signs for ‘Clinical Photography’. When you arrive at our waiting area, please ring the bell and we will be with you as soon as possible.
Wherever possible, in order to obtain the best record, clinical photography will be undertaken in our purpose-built studio, however if you are unable to attend the studio, we can arrange for a clinical photographer to visit you in clinic or on the ward.
What are clinical photographs?
Clinical photographs form part of your medical record. They are used to aid diagnosis and accurately record progress of conditions and their responses to treatment, images may also be used for research and to help teach healthcare professionals within the Trust.
Standardised views are taken of clinical conditions in line with guidelines from our professional body, the Institute of Medical Illustrators, allowing us to accurately record clinical conditions.
Do I need to consent?
Your clinician will ask you to sign a ‘Request for Photography’ form which you will bring with you to the department. There are two levels of consent; for medical records or for teaching in healthcare.
How long will the photography take?
We will usually see you within fifteen minutes of your arrival at the department and most routine appointments last no longer than fifteen minutes, so we won’t keep you long.
Will I need to undress?
In order to obtain clear and accurate clinical photographs, we may ask you to remove items of clothing or jewellery. All patients have the right to request a chaperone be present at their appointment, however there are certain circumstances in which we must provide a formal chaperone e.g. legal or intimate recordings. If you have any questions or concerns about this, please speak to any member of our team.
What happens to my photographs?
Your photographs are stored on a password protected image management system, which can only be accessed by authorised users. Your clinician may refer back to them at future appointments.
Contact information
For all enquiries please call the DCPI (Department of Clinical Photography & Illustration) on 01438 284019