The NHS is leading the way in cancer care by recognising that the quality of life of patients who have cancer is as important to people as survival.
Personalised care follow-up (PCFU) is an effective way of transforming the traditional face-to-face, hospital-based follow-up model to better suit the needs of individual patients after cancer treatment. This helps put patients more in control of their recovery.
Who is PCFU for?
If you are a patient with cancer being seen by our breast, colorectal, endometrial or prostate specialty teams, then PCFU may be an option for you at East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust.
Our clinical teams will use an evidence-based approach, with remote monitoring of post-treatment surveillance using a cancer information system.
Routine surveillance investigations are still completed at set intervals, however, these do not require the patient to automatically see a hospital doctor or nurse for their results.
If you are eligible for PCFU, you will be sent an appointment for your tests. The results will be reviewed by an appropriately-qualified staff member and you will then be informed of the results. Using a remote monitoring system will help ensure you get these results sooner.
What will I be offered if I am eligible for PCFU?
If you have completed your primary cancer treatment with one of the above specialties and are eligible for PCFU, you will be offered:
- Information about signs and symptoms, which could suggest your cancer has recurred or progressed, or which may be the side-effects of treatment
- Verbal and written guidelines on who to contact if you have concerns in the future, aligning with a system that allows rapid re-entry into the specialist cancer service as and when it is required
- Regular surveillance scans or tests (depending on cancer type), with quicker and easier access to results so that any anxiety is kept to a minimum
- Effective needs assessment at the point of diagnosis and end of treatment that identifies and addresses any outstanding needs – ensuring you have knowledge and confidence to self-manage. This will incorporate a holistic needs assessment and care plan, treatment summary, and health and wellbeing events to improve outcomes and co-ordination of care
If you are being seen by our breast, colorectal, endometrial or prostate specialty teams and have further questions about PCFU, please speak to your cancer clinical nurse specialist.