Services available at: New QEII Hospital
Children’s Continuing Care is a service provision for children and young people, up to 18 years, who require additional health support due to needs arising from disability, accident or illness that cannot be met by existing universal or specialist services alone.
The team provides individualised packages of care to support parents in caring for their children with complex health needs in the home environment.
What is Continuing Care?
The National Framework for Children and Young People’s Continuing Care 2016 supports the Clinical Commissioning Group in determining if a young person’s needs are such that they require a package of continuing care.
Continuing care is part of a wider package of care, agreed and delivered by collaboration between health, education and social care and is part of the integrated Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) process.
The process for continuing care consists of three phases:
The assessment, undertaken by a health assessor; Decision making by a multi-agency panel to determine whether eligibility criteria is met; Development of a care package
Who are the team?
We are a team of highly experienced and skilled children’s community support workers who provide nursing care under the direction of our registered children’s nurses
Who is eligible?
The Decision Support Tool sets out children’s needs across 10 domains, divided into different levels of need.
The nominated health assessor will use their skill, expertise and evidence based professional judgement to consider what, for each domain, is over and above what would be expected for a child or young person of that age.
How can I get referred?
Referrals can be made by all professionals and families of children with complex health needs by completing the online referral form and sending it to [email protected]
Additional Information
Hertfordshire’s SEND Local Offer is a one-stop shop for information, support, services and activities available for children and young people with special educational needs, and their families.
Telephone the customer service centre on 0300 123 4043 or visit: https://www.hertfordshire.gov.uk/microsites/local-offer/about-the-local-offer.aspx
Further Reading
Children and young people’s continuing care national framework – for more information concerning the guidance for clinical commissioning groups when assessing the needs of children and young people (0 to 17 years) whose complex needs cannot be met by universal or specialist health services: www.gov.uk/government/publications/children-and-young-peoples-continuing-care-national-framework
Children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND):