Carers are allowing to travel in the ambulance if your loved one is being taken to hospital.
Carers are also able to accompany their loved ones in hospital transport when they are being discharged. The carer would need to let the nurse in charge know that they wish to accompany the patient, as this would need to be arranged at the same time as when that the transport home is booked to ensure that the carer can be accommodated. The carer would need to be independently mobile themselves.
Emergency med containers

Emergency med containers are a way to ensure that people with dementia have all their essential information (drug prescriptions, contact information for their next of kin etc.) readily available if they are pick up in an ambulance and taken to hospital.
The containers come in the form of a pot that contain a form with all the necessary information that you provide. The pot is kept in the fridge where the emergency services will look for it if required.
Emergency med containers are available at the carers corner, which is based along the main corridor at Lister. You can also contact admiral nurse Ruth Bradford who can also arrange for these to be collected.