23 results filtered by:
Starting with: 'M'
Andreas Makris
Trained in medicine at Oxford University and Sheffield University Medical School, graduating in 1985.
Thiraupathy Marianayagam
Dr Marianayagam was appointed Consultant Rheumatologist in December 2013.
Vias Markides
I am a consultant cardiologist with a specialist interest in cardiac CT, cardia MRI, echocardiology and diagnostic angiography.
Suresh Mathavakkannan
I have been a practising Nephrologist at the East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust since 2007.
Susannah Mawdsley
I have been a consultant at East & North Herts NHS Trust for fourteen years.
Alison McMillan
Dr McMillan trained in General and Respiratory Medicine in London, Edinburgh and Cambridge and completed a PhD during her time at the Royal Brompton Hospital, National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial Collage London.
Lister Hospital,
New QEII Hospital,
Hertford County Hospital