12 results filtered by:
Starting with: 'J'
Deepak Jain
Dr Jain was appointed as consultant in General and Elderly Medicine in 1997.
Humaira Jamal
Appointed lead consultant in Palliative Medicine for MVCC and Harefield Hospitals in 2005. Lead a busy team seeing in excess of 300 referrals annually.
Nicholas James
Mr James was appointed as a consultant in Plastic Surgery in 1996.
Muhammad Javaid
Mr Javaid is a consultant plastic surgeon specialising in cosmetic and reconstructive breast surgery in addition to general plastic and skin cancer surgery.
Praveen Jeevaratnam
Praveen Jeevaratnam was appointed as a consultant Nephrologist and renal vascular access lead at the Trust in 2014.
Karanjeev Singh Johal
Mr Johal is a consultant trauma and orthopaedic surgeon with a specialist interest in the surgical management of foot and ankle conditions.