Directions to the Lister
Click here to view on Google Maps
Click here to view the Lister hospital site map for navigating your way inside our hospital.

76 covered bicycle racks are available in the following locations:
- Within the multi-storey car park
- Near the Maternity Unit
- Behind the Strathmore Wing
- Under the Treatment Centre
Help and advice on getting to your appointment
Non-emergency patient transport is run by the East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust. For bookings and queries, please call 0345 6051208 (Monday to Sunday, from 8.00am to 6.00pm).
For transport to NHS Hospitals or clinics in Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire:
Patients will be assessed and accessible transport booked for those patients whose medical need or mobility means that they cannot travel by any other means (including family and friends, taxi or voluntary car service).
For transport to hospitals or clinics outside Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire:
Call handlers will provide advice and assistance for these journeys.
Patients should have their NHS number to hand when they book a journey.
Patients who are not eligible for the patient transport service will be advised on alternative door-to-door transport options, such as local voluntary car schemes. Please note that the providers of these schemes usually make a charge for their services.
Patients on low incomes can claim reimbursement under the national Healthcare Travel Costs Scheme. Claims can be made directly on weekdays through the Lister’s cash office or by post using a HC5(T) form.
Community Transport Hertfordshire
The Community Transport Hertfordshire website provides information on local community transport services available in Hertfordshire. Click here to find services close to you.