Each of our wards and departments has a lead matron who can be responsible for a number of wards or departments that provide a similar service. If you have any suggestions or concerns about a ward or department that you feel have not been addressed by the sister or senior nurse from that area, please contact the matron.
Our matrons help us by:
- Improving and maintaining high quality patient care
- Improving clinical care
- Making sure patients are cared for in clean surroundings
- Making sure all patients are treated with dignity and respect
- Ensuring the smooth running of the hospital by supporting patients, the public and staff
How do I identify matrons?
Our matrons are easy to identify; they wear red tunics and navy trousers. If you can’t find a matron ask a member of staff to contact them for you.

How do I contact a matron?
Ask a member of staff to contact the matron for you. If you wish to phone one of our matrons, please phone switch board on 01438 314333 and they will contact the matron for you.
When is the duty matron available?
A duty matron is available at the Lister and QEII between:
- From 4pm Monday to Friday (Please note: During the week the matron is available between 8am – 4pm via the ward areas or switchboard)
- 8am – 8pm Saturday, Sunday and bank holidays