We produce a wide range of publications on a regular basis to let members of the public know about our work. On this page you can find our main publications.
Our strategy
The Trust has a five year strategy which has at its heart our vision: Proud to deliver high-quality, compassionate care our community. Click here to find out more about our strategy.
Annual report and accounts
Annual report and accounts 2018-19
NHS self-certification
NHS self-certification for 2017/18
Annual audit letter
Each year our Trust receives an annual audit letter from our external auditors, with the latest letter being for 2016/17.
Quality Account
2017/18 Quality account
2017/18 Quality Account – summary document
Trust access policy
Our access policy outlines our Trust’s processes for managing patients who are not emergencies. This overview is intended for GPs and referring clinicians, as well as patients, and sets out the principles of the policy and what patients and GPs should expect from us.
We also ask for referrers and patients to make commitments to us in return – to ensure that referrals for non-urgent specialist review and treatment are as efficient and effective as possible.
Care Quality Commission
Our Trust was registered with the Care Quality Commission to carry out our regulated activities with no conditions in April 2010. You can find out more about our registration and view our inspection reports on the Care Quality Commission pages of our website.
Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professionals Strategy 2019-2024
This strategy, which has been developed by our nursing and midwifery teams, will continuously drive the delivery of high-quality, safe nursing and midwifery care to all of our patients and their carers.
Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professionals Strategy 2019-2024
Patient and Carer Experience annual report
We aim to provide our patients and their carers with the best possible experience whilst they are using our services. We know that involving patients and their carers in decisions about their care and treatment leads to improved patient experience and this is why putting our patients first is one of the Trust’s core values.
Patient and Carer Experience Strategy – annual report 2017/18
Improving patient outcomes strategy
The Trust has published an Improving patient outcomes strategy, which covers the three-year period from 2015 to 2018
Improving patient outcomes strategy
Same-sex accommodation
To view our commitment to providing our patients with same-sex accommodation when they are admitted to our hospitals, please go to our dedicated same-sex accommodation page.
Our infection prevention and control strategy
The aim of our infection prevention and control strategy is to have no avoidable infections and to become one of the top ten performing NHS Trusts in the country.
To help us meet this aim, the strategy not only includes strategic measures to reduce infection but practical solutions as well.
Our infection prevention annual report for 2017/18
Trust’s people strategy (2014 to 2019)
The Trust’s People Strategy, which covers the five-year period to 2019, has been written by our own people for our patients. It aims to capture the essence of what we need to do to enable us to become even better than we are today:
Our people strategy for 2014 to 2019
Gender pay gap report
The Trust now publishes an annual gender pay gap report, in line with national requirements – here is the latest report:
Trust engagement strategy
Our engagement strategy allows the Trust to have a more focused approach to engagement – to enable us to be at the leading edge of positive change in the NHS, delivering more responsive services and placing our hospitals at the heart of our local communities.
Trust engagement strategy 2016 – 2019
Francis Inquiry – Trust statement
Following the publication of the Francis inquiry on 6 February 2013, which set out the recommendations made by Robert Francis QC relating to the failings of care that took place at the Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust between 2005 and 2009, the Trust has issued the following statement. The Trust has since produced and approved its action plan in response to the Francis Inquiry:
Safeguarding adults annual report
This is the annual report for Adult Safeguarding for East and North Hertfordshire Trust for 2014/15, which outlines the work undertaken by the Trust since April 2014 to support the frameworks for safeguarding adults.
Safeguarding adults annual report 2018/19
Annual health and safety report
This report details Trust wide Health and Safety performance throughout the most recent full reporting year in order to comply with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and associated statutory regulations, with particular reference to health and safety, moving and handling, fire and occupational health matters.
Annual health and safety report for 2016/17
Raising concerns at work policy
The Trust Board has introduced this policy to reassure staff that it is safe and acceptable to speak up and to enable them to raise any concern they make have at an early stage and in the right way.
Trust policy for Raising Concerns at Work 2015/18
Learning from deaths policy
In December 2016 the Care Quality Commission published its report Learning, Candour and Accountability: A review of the way NHS Trusts review and investigate the deaths of patients in England. It was commissioned by the Secretary of State for Health in response to the very low number of investigations and reviews of deaths at Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust. The report concluded that opportunities to improve care for future patients were being missed.
The Secretary of State accepted the report’s recommendations, asking the National Quality Board (NQB) to translate the recommendations into a framework for implementation across the NHS. In March 2017, the first step in this programme was published in the form of the National Guidance on Learning from Deaths.
In line with this guidance, the Trust has in place the following Learning from deaths policy which details how it responds to and learns from deaths of patients in our care.