East and North Hertfordshire Trust’s Mount Vernon Cancer Centre (MVCC) has started using new state of the art radiotherapy equipment, which are worth more than £10 million. These machines are already providing faster treatment, improved accuracy and more comfort for our patients receiving cancer treatment at MVCC.
Linear accelerators use beams of high energy x-rays, to deliver radiotherapy treatment to patients with cancer anywhere in the body.
These linear accelerators have replaced older machines at the cancer centre in a replacement programme over a period of six months. During this time patient treatment programmes have been maintained to ensure that patients did not have to wait to start their treatment as a result of the replacement programme. “The first of the three machines started delivering patient treatments in April with the second treating patients from this month. The last of the three machines is expected to be ready in September and will see Mount Vernon Cancer Centre continue to provide state of the art radiotherapy for our patients. This represents a significant investment in the treatment of our cancer patients.
Adam Sewell-Jones, chief executive