- Full time NHS consultant for 21 years with a special interest in tumour pathology
- The Lead Educational supervisor for the department and the RCPath tutor
- Trained Cancer Peer Reviewer and appraiser of departmental subconsultant staff
- RCPath external assessor for consultant AAC
- Departmental consultant pathology representative to the Trust Cancer Board
- Deputy TSSG pathology lead in Uropathology
- Designated TSSG skin cancer pathology lead for our cancer network
Local Association of Clinical Pathology liaison officer
The Joint Lead Pathologist in the following fields:
Breast, Skin cancer/dermatopathology, Head & Neck, Uropathology and deputy lead in Gynaecological cancer.
Previous cellular pathology and cytology leads plus Hospital Based Cervical Screening Coordinator and the CEPOD reporter.
Page last updated: 29 October 2019