I have been a consultant at East and North Herts NHS Trust since 2003. I qualified from the Middlesex hospital Medical School in 1990, and undertook research at the Royal Free Hospital and MSc in Epidemiology at the London School of Hygiene.
I have an interest in gastric and oesophageal cancer and am trust lead for the Upper GI MDT and represent the trust at the Network TSSG.
I have a research interest in Barrett’s oesophagus and have been enrolling our patients in several large studies including AspECT, BOSS, CHOPIn, SPIT and BEST cytosponge trials. I represent the trust in the regional gastroenterology research forum.
I also have an interest in Eosinophlic Oesophagitis for which I sit on the National guidelines Committee.
I am also a therapeutic endoscopist and perform cancer treatments with laser, dilatation and stents locally, and HALO and endoscopic mucosal resection at UCLH for Barrett’s dysplasia and early cancer.
I also see patients with general gastroenterological conditions and perform diagnostic and therapeutic colonoscopy and flexible sigmoidoscopy.
I am currently the Secretary for the British Society of Gastroenterology Oesophageal Section and also sit on the National Committee for Supporting Women in Gastroenterology.